The EuCARE Lolli study aims at evaluating a non-invasive screening procedure to keep the infection under control, the Lolli-Methode, as well as at studying the SARS-COV-2 infection in schools, comparing different containment measures (such as masks, distancing, bubbles, etc.) and at evaluating the psychological impact on students and teachers and the possible learning gaps related to containment measures and distant learning.
The testing options to date are not optimal or easy to carry out in schools. At the same time, it is nevertheless quite possible that chains of infection can occur in schools. The “Lolli-Methode” screening procedure was developed and validated by the Institute of Virology at the University of Cologne. It is saliva-based, so no nasopharyngeal swab is needed.
The school classes are divided into two groups: one group, called the experimental or Lolli group, will follow the Lolli-Methode; the other group, called the control group, will continue to follow the routine standard of care as defined by the running regulations.
The children in the Lolli group are tested twice a week. To do this, they have to suckle the swab like a lollipop. All the children of the class then put this swab into the class collection tube, which is transported to the laboratory where it is examined with a PCR test.
If the test result is negative, it means that SARS CoV-2 could not be detected in any student in the group.
If the test result is positive, it means that at least one person in the pool is infected. In this case, the laboratory soon informs the school which immediately contacts the parents of the involved students and the teachers the next morning, students and teachers of the positive pool undergo an individual lolli test. The individual results are provided on the same day.
The positive individuals and the class will then follow the running regulations in the region in the specific period.
1) Parents must sign a consent form in order for their sons and/or daughters to participate in the EuCARE SCHOOLS study.
2) Parents of the students involved in the Lolli group should explain to sons/daughters that they should play with the swab like a lolli in the morning at school or kindergarten and put it into the collection tube.
3) Parents of children at kindergarten and /or at elementary school fill in a psychological questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the study period (usually 3 months long).
4) Parents fill in a simple questionnaire each week on possible other SARS-COV-2 tests made by any householders.
5) In case of any infections, parents should explain to their sons/daughters that anyone can get infected with SARS-CoV-2 and none should be bullied because of it.