Funded by
the European Union



Oral Presentations

Poster Presentations

Exploring mental health of students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: an international study within the EuCARE project

Presented by Dr. Federica Bellerba 
Federica Bellerba, Sara Raimondi, Elisa Tomezzoli, Oriana D’Ecclesiis, Ana Abecasis, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares, Nils Bardeck, Valeria Gabellone, Pier Luigi Lopalco, Marta Pingarilho, Rolf Kaiser, Chiara Mommo, Francesca Incardona, Sara Gandini and Eucare WP4
International Biometric Conference (IBC) 2024
 10th December 2024, Atlanta, (USA)

Reduction of post COVID-19 condition during the Omicron wave: results from the EuCARE POSTCOVID Study

Presented by Dr. Andrea Santoro
Francesca Bai, Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri, Pontus Hedberg, Andrea Santoro, Maria Francesca Greco, Matteo Sala, Julia Fonseca de Morais Caporali, Carolina Coimbra Marinho, Maria Mercedes Santoro, Francesca Ceccherini Silberstein, Dovile Juozapaite, Edita Strumiliene, André Almeida, Cristina Toscano, Jesus Arturo Ruiz Quinones, Chiara Mommo, Iuri Fanti, Francesca Incardona, Giulia Marchetti on behalf of the EuCARE Project

34th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 

27-30th April 2024 Barcelona, Spain 

L'onda Lunga. Gli Effetti Psicologici E Sociali Della Pandemia Sul Mondo Non-Adulto

Presented by Dr. Sara Gandini (IEO)
Sara Gandini, Lorenzo Morri, Barbara Rabbi, Chiara Stancari, Alberto Gualandi, Caterina Donattini e Francesco Genovesi
6th December 2023, Bologna, (Italy)

Vigilância epidemiológica de SARS-CoV-2 numa coorte em escolas Portuguesas

Presented by Dr. Marta Pingarilho
Daniela Alves, Inês Cruz, Mafalda Miranda, Victor Pimentel, Sofia G Seabra, Sara Raimondi, Sara Gandini, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares, Pier Luigi Lopalco, Oriana D’Ecclesiis, Susanna Chiocca, Elisa Tomezzoli, Ilaria Cutica, Davide Mazzoni, Daniela Carmagnola, Claudia Dellavia, Gianvincenzo Zuccotti, Chiara Ronchini, Federica Bellerba, Felix Dewald, Rolf Kaiser, Francesca Incardona, Miguel Viveiros, Maria do Rosário Oliveira Martins, Ana Dias, Cristina Toscano, Marta Pingarilho, Ana Abecasis for EuCARE WP4

14as Jornadas de Atualização em Doenças Infeciosas do Hospital Curry Cabral –  CHULC

24-26th January 2024 Lisbon, Portugal 

Assessing the Impact of Vaccination and Predicting the Emergence of the Omicron Variant: Modeling the Dynamics of COVID-19 in the Omicron wave

Presented by Dr. Elham Shamsara

Elham Shamsara, Florian König, Nico Pfeifer 

Statistical Computing 2023
30th July-2nd August 2023 Günzburg, (Germany)

In-Hospital Mortality During Different SARS-CoV-2 Variant Waves in the EuCARE Multinational Cohort

Presented by Dr. Pontus Hedberg

Pontus Hedberg, Milosz Parczewski, Giulia Marchetti, Björn Jensen, Francis Drobniewski, Daniel Naumovas, Francesca Ceccherini-Silberstein, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares, Matilu Mwau, Cristina Toscano, Maurizio Zazzi, Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri, Anders Sönnerborg, Pontus Nauclér

Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections- CROI 2024

3rd-6th March 2024 Denver, Colorado (USA) 

A COVID-19 informed neural network with adaptive weighting during variants of concern in Germany

Presented by Dr. Elham Shamsara

Elham Shamsara, Florian König, Nico Pfeifer 

Workshop on Computational Models in Biology and Medicine 2023
15th-16th June 2023 Stuttgart (Germany)

Initial analysis of predictability of disease severity based on viral sequences and effects of reference encoding concerning the performance of basic machine learning models on sequences from Karolinska

Presented by Dr. Elham Shamsara

Elham Shamsara, Florian König, Nico Pfeifer 

Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
23rd-27th July 2023 Lyon (France)

Long COVID phenotypes and association with SARS CoV-2 variants in the EUCARE-POSTCOVID study

Presented by Dr.  Francesca Bai

F. Bai, S. De Benedittis, A. Tavelli, M.M. Santoro, F. Ceccherini-Silberstein, M. Iannetta, Y. Shimoni, S. Ravid, T. Kozlovski, F. Köning, N. Pfeifer, E. Shamsara, M.Parczewski, A. Cozzi-Lepri, A. d’Arminio Monforte, G. Marchetti 

15th Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research (ICAR)
14th-16th June 2023 Bari (Italy)

Sars-cov-2 trends in italy, germany and school opening during the omicron variant: a quasi-experimental study​

Presented by Dr. Federica Bellerba

 Bellerba F., Bardeck N., Böhm M., Raimondi S., Abecasis A., Pirkl M., D’ecclesiis O., Incardona F., Gandini S. 

44th Anual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)
27th-31st August 2023 Milan (Italy)

Sars-Cov-2 Omicron Variability: Focus in Immunocompromised Individuals

Presented by Dr.  Maria Concetta Bellocchi

Bellocchi MC, Carioti L, Marchegiani G, Coppola L, Iannetta M, Duca L, Di Lorenzo A, Alborghetti L, Piermatteo L, Malagnino V, Benedetti L, Santoro MM, Andreoni M, Sarmati L, Ceccherini-Silberstein F

21st European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis 2023
7th-9th June 2023 Rome. (Italy)

A refine analysis on SARS-CoV-2 omicron variability in infected immunocompromised individuals ​

Presented by Dr. Maria Concetta Bellocchi

M.C. Bellocchi, L. Carioti, G. Marchegiani, L. Coppola, M. Iannetta, L. Duca, A. Di Lorenzo, L. Alborghetti, L. Piermatteo, V. Malagnino, L. Benedetti, M.M. Santoro, M. Andreoni, L. Sarmati, F. Ceccherini-Silberstein 

15th Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research (ICAR)
14th-16th June 2023 Bari (Italy)

Preliminary results of the EuCARE School Studies

Presented by Dr. Sara Gandini (IEO)
in University of Bologna
20th March 2023 Bologna (Italy)

Preliminary results of the Eucare school studies and SARS CoV 2 trends in Italy, Germany and Portugal and school opening during the Omicron variant

Presented by Dr. Federica Bellerba

 Federica Bellerba, Nils Bardeck, Michael Böhm, Rolf Kaiser, Elisa Tomezzoli, Ana Abecasis, Oriana D’Ecclesiis, Francesca Incardona, Chiara Mommo, Iuri Fanti, Valeria Gabellone, Giulia Vaglio, Pierluigi Lopalco, Marta Pingarilho, Ines Martins Alves, Daniela Alves, Gibran Rubio Horemheb, Martin Pirkl, Sara Gandini 

21st European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis 2023
7th-9th June 2023 Rome. (Italy)

Permissività immunologica e selezione virale di SARS-CoV-2

Presented by Prof. Francesca Ceccherini Silberstein (UNITOV)
SIMIT (Società Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali)
22nd November 2022 

L’impatto dell’interruzione delle attività sportive sulla salute mentale di bambini, adolescenti e giovani adulti durante la pandemia da COVID-19

Presented by Dr. Elisa Tomezzoli
E. Tomezzoli, O. D’Ecclesiis, S. Raimondi, G. Cammarata, F. Bellerba, G. Testa, P. Gnagnarella, M. L. Iannuzzo, D. Ricci, A. Sartorio, C. Sasso, G. Pravettoni, S. Gandini e F. Galli 
25th-27th May 2023 University of Cagliari (Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia) (Italy)

COVID: dalla ricerca all’assistenza

Presented by Prof. Francesca Ceccherini Silberstein (UNITOV)
24th-28th October 2022 

AI-Based prediction of lung tissue involvement is predictive of COVID-19 severity

Presented by Dr. Miłosz Parczewski
Miłosz Parczewski, Bogusz Aksak-Wąs, Daniel Chober, Laura Lesiewska, Malwina Karasińska-Cieślak, Krystian Awgul, Adam Majchrzak, Karol Serwin
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections- CROI 2023
19th-22nd February 2023 Seattle (Washington)


Circulation of SARS-CoV-2 variants in Central Italy: spike variability characterization by deep-sequencing

Presented by Dr. Maria Concetta Bellocchi
Bellocchi MC, Scutari R, Carioti L, Iannetta M, Piermatteo L, Alkhatib M, Tedde S, Duca L, Coppola L, Malagnino V, Crea A, Ansaldo L, D’Anna S, Santoro MM, Bertoli A, Di Lorenzo A, Salpini R, Svicher V, Teti E, Sarmati L, Andreoni M, Ceccherini-Silberstein F for the PTV-ID-COVID Group 

20th European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis
8th-10th June 2022 Paris (France)

An in-depth characterization of VOCs circulation by using NGS analysis of the Spike protein

Presented by Dr. Maria Concetta Bellocchi
Bellocchi MC, Carioti L, Scutari R, Iannetta M, Piermatteo L, Alkhatib M, Tedde S, Duca L, Coppola L, Malagnino V, Crea A, Ansaldo L, D’Anna S, Santoro MM, Bertoli A, Di Lorenzo A, Salpini R, Svicher V, Teti E , Sarmati L, Andreoni M, Ceccherini-Silberstein F for the PTV-ID-COVID Group. 
14th Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research (ICAR)
14th-16th June 2022 Bergamo (Italy)

SARS-CoV-2 mutations and variants may muddle sensitivity of COVID-19 diagnostic assays

Presented by Dr. Mohammad Alkhatib
Alkhatib M, Carioti L, Ceccherini-Silberstein F, Svicher V, Salpini R. 
20th European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis
8th-10th June 2022 Paris (France)

European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection

Sara Raimondi 1†, Sara Gandini 1†, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares 2,3,4* , Ana Abecasis 5, Pier Luigi Lopalco 6, Oriana D’Ecclesiis 1, Susanna Chiocca 1, Elisa Tomezzoli 7, Ilaria Cutica 8, Davide Mazzoni 8, Nuno Amparo 5,9, Marta Pingarilho 5, Daniela Carmagnola 10, Claudia Dallavia 10, Gianvincenzo Zuccotti 11,12, Chiara Ronchini 1, Federica Bellerba 1, Felix Dewald 2, Rolf Kaiser 2†, Francesca Incardona 13,14† and The Eucare WP4. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023

Virologic diagnosis and monitoring of emerging variants of concerns

Presented by Prof. Francesca Ceccherini Silberstein (UNITOV)
National Workshop IMPACT (Implementation Science in Viral Infections)
28th March 2022 Rome (Italy) 

European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection

Sara Raimondi 1†, Sara Gandini 1†, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares 2,3,4* , Ana Abecasis 5, Pier Luigi Lopalco 6, Oriana D’Ecclesiis 1, Susanna Chiocca 1, Elisa Tomezzoli 7, Ilaria Cutica 8, Davide Mazzoni 8, Nuno Amparo 5,9, Marta Pingarilho 5, Daniela Carmagnola 10, Claudia Dallavia 10, Gianvincenzo Zuccotti 11,12, Chiara Ronchini 1, Federica Bellerba 1, Felix Dewald 2, Rolf Kaiser 2†, Francesca Incardona 13,14† and The Eucare WP4. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023

Impact of SARS-CoV-2 omicron and delta sub-lineage AY.4.2 variant on neutralization by sera of patients treated with different licensed monoclonal antibodies

Presented by Prof. Maurizio Zazzi (UNISI)
EMA Meeting on monoclonal antibodies for CoVID-19
28th March 2022

European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection

Sara Raimondi 1†, Sara Gandini 1†, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares 2,3,4* , Ana Abecasis 5, Pier Luigi Lopalco 6, Oriana D’Ecclesiis 1, Susanna Chiocca 1, Elisa Tomezzoli 7, Ilaria Cutica 8, Davide Mazzoni 8, Nuno Amparo 5,9, Marta Pingarilho 5, Daniela Carmagnola 10, Claudia Dallavia 10, Gianvincenzo Zuccotti 11,12, Chiara Ronchini 1, Federica Bellerba 1, Felix Dewald 2, Rolf Kaiser 2†, Francesca Incardona 13,14† and The Eucare WP4. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023

An in-depth characterization of VOCs circulation by using NGS analysis of the Spike protein

Bellocchi MC, Carioti L, Scutari R, Iannetta M, Piermatteo L, Alkhatib M, Tedde S, Duca L, Coppola L, Malagnino V, Crea A, Ansaldo L, D’Anna S, Santoro MM, Bertoli A, Di Lorenzo A, Salpini R, Svicher V, Teti E , Sarmati L, Andreoni M, Ceccherini-Silberstein F for the PTV-ID-COVID Group. (UNITOV)
14th Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research (ICAR)
8th-10th June 2022 Paris (France)

European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection

Sara Raimondi 1†, Sara Gandini 1†, Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintanares 2,3,4* , Ana Abecasis 5, Pier Luigi Lopalco 6, Oriana D’Ecclesiis 1, Susanna Chiocca 1, Elisa Tomezzoli 7, Ilaria Cutica 8, Davide Mazzoni 8, Nuno Amparo 5,9, Marta Pingarilho 5, Daniela Carmagnola 10, Claudia Dallavia 10, Gianvincenzo Zuccotti 11,12, Chiara Ronchini 1, Federica Bellerba 1, Felix Dewald 2, Rolf Kaiser 2†, Francesca Incardona 13,14† and The Eucare WP4. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023