The Science of Pandemics: Past, Present and Evidence-Based Strategies for the Future
29th November 2024: EuCARE unveils its SCHOOLS study findings within a wider dialogue on pandemics preparedness.
The workshop, with speakers of primary international scientific level, was an opportunity for a critical and open discussion of topics such as pandemic surveillance in schools, the use of the Lolli Methode, the use of masks, the psychological impact of containment measures on children, bringing the point of view of the schools themselves into a broad reflection on medical research and management of the pandemics.
The conference took place in Rome, Italy, at the Università IULM and saw a fantastic turnout in person and online, with lively debates following the insightful presentations. Among the highlights were discussions on the Lolli Methode, key findings from the SCHOOLS study, and inspiring talks from school representatives.
We’re also thrilled to share that our conference received very broad media attention, such as an article published in Il Sole 24 ORE, one of Italy’s leading economic newspapers. See more of the media coverage at our page They talk about us!
If you missed the conference, you can watch the full recording below and more!
Highlights from The Science of Pandemics
Francesca Incardona Interview
Rolf Kaiser
Sara Gandini
Pier Luigi Lopalco
Science of Pandemics part I
Science of Pandemics part II
Science of Pandemics part III
Also you can see the conference agenda and some moments captured during the meeting.