The EuCARE workshop: Data privacy, data property, and data sharing: an interdisciplinary dialogue for post-pandemic transnational research was successfully held on 19th and 20th June 2023 at the domain of the Brocher Foundation near Geneva, Switzerland.
A select group of social scientists, epidemiologists, doctors, computer scientists, representatives of patients and students came together with lawyers in the beautiful setting of the Brocher Foundation.
The workshop was an important step toward better mutual understanding between the disciplines of biomedical research, data ethics, IT and, last but not least, law.
Participants of this truly interdisciplinary gathering were able to discuss, in an open and transparent exchange of ideas, the barriers to data access that make biomedical research difficult, starting an in depth exploration of possible ways of making biomedical research with data sustainable in a post pandemic future.
Biomedical scientists were able to advocate for a data regulatory environment that is more research friendly, whilst lawyers, ethics and IT scientists highlighted the pros and cons of possible solutions, from the very latest AI solutions, to visionary regulatory oriented solutions looking forward to the next laws that could enhance or further weigh down GDPR.
Below you can find two presentations from the coordinator of the EuCARE project and CEO of the EuResist network, Francesca Incardona.